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Nepal Rastriya Chandraganga Secondary school

About us

Nepal Rastriya Chandraganga Secondary school is a government school located in Birendranagar Municipality of Surkhet, Nepal . It was established in 1973 AD and 900 students are studying in this school. Both boys and girls are allowed to study in our school. The school is running from Pre-primary level to grade 12. This School has deserved International School Award in 2018 under the connecting Classroom of British Council. The students are from different racial community, religious community, linguistic community and different economical status. The school was established to provide quality education in their own locality with free cost who are unable to afford large amount of fee in private school. So, the school was established to fulfill the emerging needs of the public.


Teacher Details

Teaching and Non Teaching Staffs


Saturday Exam


All the Students are informed to attend the exam

ISA Award Ceremony


Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher, Teacher and Students Participated in the ISA Ceremony in Kathmandu